In this post, we'll take a look at how to connect to and query databases using Kotlin. We'll cover the following topics:
In order to connect to a database, we need to use a JDBC driver. Kotlin comes with a built-in JDBC driver, which we can use to connect to databases.
To connect to a database, we first need to create a JDBC connection. We can do this by using the JDBC DriverManager class. The DriverManager class provides static methods for getting a JDBC connection.
Once we have a JDBC connection, we can use it to create a Statement object. A Statement object is used to execute SQL statements.
Once we have a Statement object, we can use it to execute SQL statements. There are two methods that we can use to execute SQL statements:
If we use the executeQuery() method to execute an SQL query, we'll get a ResultSet object that contains the results of the query.
A ResultSet object contains a list of records. Each record contains the values of the columns in the query.
We can use the ResultSet object to retrieve the records from the database. We can use the next() method to move to the next record in the ResultSet. We can use the getString() method to retrieve the value of a column from the current record.
Once we've retrieved the records from the database, we can close the ResultSet and the Statement objects. Finally, we can close the JDBC connection.